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KubeCon (and Rejekts) EU 2024 in Paris

KubeCon (and Rejekts) EU 2024 in Paris

KubeCon EU 2024 in Paris was a blast! As much as I loved KubeCon in Valencia (first KubeCon & at home), this was actually my favourite KubeCon, and the reason can be summed up in one word: Community. This year I was able to contribute to the knowledge sharing by giving a talk and also by interviewing some of the industry's leaders!

Cloud Native Rejekts

During Cloud Native Rejekts I had the honor to present my talk: "Too many CRDs? I say not enough! Leveraging Crossplane & ClusterAPI for effective platform delivery. Check it out below!

I love Cloud Native Rejekts, it is like the calm before the storm, the easiest moment to meet the experts, the smaller conference which nobody (who knows about it) wants to miss. The concept of the conference is simply amazing, as well as a great excuse to extend KubeCon to nearly a whole week. As getting a talk accepted in KubeCon is increasingly hard, Rejekts gives people with rejected talks an opportunity and a stage to share their knowledge, passion and experiences. It personally gave me the most amazing stage I could ever imagine for my first ever in-person conference talk, which I will never forget.


Being a KCD NL organizer also got me a pass to the KCD Organizers Happy Hour. This was a fun moment in which I got to meet other KCD Organizers around Europe (and some outside of EU too!). And we SWAG! Check out the cool hoodies we got gifted:

ITQ Live Reports

For the second KubeCon in a row, my ITQ colleagues and I did a series of interviews to CNCF project maintainers, founders, partners, customers and friends from the Cloud Native community. We recorded 16 live interviews, with many of my colleagues doing their first interviews too.

I want to thank Jared Watts, Andrea Giardini, William Rizzo, and all the other interviewees who took the time with me and my colleagues. Coming from different countries, companies and backgrounds, they all had one thing in common: they were all nice people who love the community and enjoy sharing their knowledge and experiences.